Saturday, February 21, 2009
.match outcomes.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday; a piece of my artwork is at the city library at the moment. thursday was the reception and I had to go, and then jenn and carolyn came for extra credit. it was pretty cool. after the reception we went to Redmango, yummy! Then we dropped Carolyn off and me and my motha came home with jennifer and we got to see her adorable new toy poodle puppy, Cassie... she is the cutest thing ever! (2nd to buddy of course). me and jenn hung out till around 11:30pm, haha... fun stuff, but the morning came really fast. I also had the best time ever at tennis... I was so amazing! It felt so good to be the superstar again. lol.

Don't forget our mascot; Butch! =P
Friday, February 13, 2009
Whoa and Aww
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
After my riding lesson we went to Noodles and Company to meet John, Hanna, and the Cunninghams. Then we went to a movie, Paul Blart; Mall Cop. It was hilarious, and if you haven't seen it yet, you definitely should!
This video clip is from yesterday... my mom used all the battery at the beginning so this is definitely not my best ride, and as you can tell the entry into the purple xrail was not very good and I was supposed to canter after, but anyway... just know that this is not my best... my mom's not also great with the camera, lol.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday, February 5, 2009
Then yesterday during ELP while we were in the computer lab a girl had a seizure... she dropped off her chair and hit her head really hard... she was shaking, her eyes were rolled up in her head, her body was like crunched and she was vomitting white stuff and blood... it was SO scary! I thought she was going to die! Luckily Mr. Lambson knew what to do and just kept her on her side and then when it was over she fell asleep and he carried her into the office. but yeah, luckily she is alright, but honestly, that was one of the scariest things I have ever seen!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lip Sync Performance for Parents
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Another Great Day
Jake being camera shy... haha... everytime i was about to take his pic, he turned his head, lol.
So, yesterday we got to the barn around 10:30am and had my lesson on Nikki. She was pretty headstrong today, so we didn't accomplish much. It was still really fun though. Since I hadn't really finished on a positive note with Nikki, Denise let me get Jake out and hack him out for a while. It was a ton of fun, and Meg let me share a little bit of her lesson, so I was able to jump Jake and do a gymnastic on him, which was awesome! It was also really cool to be able to see Meg riding Jazzy, they look incredible together... its like they were made for each other. Then after Meg and I put away Jazzy and Jake, Meg got Copper out and I got some good video footage of them together, he's so cute! So, after hanging out for a while, it was around 4pm, and I had to leave to get ready for my tennis match.
My tennis match was so boring, we played the Wasatch Boys team from like Park City or something, and they all were horrible... The guy I played against, I beat him 17 to 2, and I only lost those 2 games because my serves weren't working out for me at first. After that I came home and just hung out the rest of the night while my parents were at a play with some friends...
Meg and Jazzy
Meg and Copper
Jazzy, the psycho mare =D
Now time for sad news...
Nikki is going out to pasture in Kaysville at her owner's home because her owner isn't really riding her anymore so she obviously decided not to pay the board and stuff while she can just keep her at her house for free... so yesterday was my last time riding her unless we decide to lease or buy her... :(
Yesterday, was also when I said my "official" goodbyes to Jaimy. I took over a gift and a note and grabbed all my stuff (halter, lead, brushes, polos, saddle pad, etc.). I'm going to miss her so so so much! She was my first hunter/jumper trainer, and I learned a ton from her. Some of the best days of my life have been because of her. Like I said, I'm really going to miss her, but my new trainer, Denise, is every bit as amazing, if not more. So, lets just say I traded in something good, for something even better. So, I guess this isn't really sad news, haha...
Also, Denise's mare, Missy has a lymphoma and they are going to draw blood at the vets in a week or two so then she'll decide what stage its at. If its a late stage and she's going to suffer then they'll just put her down. =( She might have about a month or two, maybe more, maybe less. She will be missed by all, she is such an incredible horse!